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Jun 15, 2020

Today, in recognition of Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness month, we'll hear from Dr. David Holtzman, professor and chair of neurology at Washington University in St Louis. Dr. Holtzman's work has helped to clarify the relationship between Apolipoprotein E4, or apoE4, and Alzheimer's disease. He is also working to develop CSF biomarkers for Alzheimer's, and he has worked on the development of anti-amyloid beta and anti-tau antibodies for now being evaluated through clinical trials in patients with the disease. ANA’s education manager, Jen Hurley, spoke with Dr. Holtzman about the current state of research in biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Holtzman wishes to disclose that he is a co-founder with equity in the company C2N Diagnostics, a biotech start up focusing on blood biomarkers for AD; he is on the Scientific advisory board of C2N Diagnostics and Denali Therapeutics, and consults for Genentech and Idorsia. Series 1, Episode 13